Thursday, July 22, 2010

we're bored.

yup we are bored. are human is being more lazy then usual, we are a little worried she smelled like the doctors office a few days ago and has a little bruse with a puncture mark in her arm, and it wasent us that did it. anyways nothing much going on, its been really hot here so we is conseving our energy, and the ac unit should be done later today, eveything is done but the actual units getting in. so we will be soo happy.


  1. The heat outside here is getting near 100F again, so we are stayin inside where it is cool. You are smart ta just chilax until it is cool in yer house again...

  2. Um, we looked fer an email addy, but couldnt find one, so we got a request. We noticed yer bloggie list has an old blog address for us (Mark's Mews). Could you change it to so that our new posts show up? Thanks. Ayla and Iza

  3. Only one thing to do when you are bored and that is to nap. We hope your mum is okay.

  4. okay Ayla and Iza we fixed it, our human aparent haddent noticed so thanks for the heads up, it also now shows all the blogs you read sorted by last updated.
